The Characters of
By Jon Wasik
Ok, so you've
asked how I came up with the characters of STDragon, when, and
all that good stuff. Well, here you shall find out.
First off, the
first characters I ever created, before I even thought of
STDragon, were Chris Harriman, Sarah Caft, and Tom Halkrat.
Chris, however, is my little project, the one character that's
been in existence for a long time in my mind. I don't
remember when I came up with his character, but when
I was younger, I would sometimes simply day dream about my own
little adventures in Star Trek...then I thought it was kinda
cheezy, so I made up a character in my place. It was sometime
after Star Trek Generations, and I thought, "why not have
him related to a captain of one of the Enterprises?" So,
Chris Harriman was born as captain of the Enterprise F in my
day dreams, heh.
For probably 2
years, I can't remember exactly, I greatly developed his
character in my mind, coming up with adventures left right and
center for him to over come. He went through several
starships...I think at least 3 Enterprises, heh. Hey, give me
a break, I was still young! Anyway, I've completely lost track
of how things went from there, whether he entered my mind
again or not until we moved to our current location. When we
moved here, before we got the internet, I started writing a
Star Trek novel. This was the first time I actually took Chris
Harriman's character and put him down on paper...ok, so a word
processor, same difference! :o)
Any way, this
was also when I created Sarah Caft and Tom Halkrat, basically
Chris's two companions. When I originally created these two
characters, they were meant to be for Chris as McCoy and Spock
were for Kirk. Of course, as the novel proceeded, that didn't
happen, but oh well. Any way, I won't say what this novel was I may eventually rewrite it and put it up as a
special presentation. About chapter 10 was when I found out
that only established writers could get Trek novels published,
so I stopped.
Then I found The
Adventures of Argus, which as I've already said, was my
inspiration to create STDragon in the first place. That's when
I came up with the bulk of my characters. Names just started
coming to mind, so I started writing them down...then I gave
some personality to the names on that same word document.
Those characters were:
Ada Marquet
Kara Trieal
Kalia Tarkent
Terry Latrael
James Trikal
Of all of those
names, Kalia was really the only SPECIAL one. Specifically, I
came up with the name while watching the movie Stargate one
day (one of the many times I've watched the movie, heh.) They
mentioned that the Stargate opened at a point somewhere in the
Kalium Galaxy...on the other side of the known universe.
That's when I thought, "Hey, that's a cool name. I wonder
if I could come up with a character name for that..." and
voila: Kalia Tarkent was created.
STDragon's first
season ended with nothing much to show for. At the time, I
thought it was wonderful, but now that I look back on those
first five episodes...yeah, hence the reason I've started to
rewrite the entire first season when I have time, heh. Then I
started to write Time Test, a crossover I had come up with
where the other two series, Defender and Paris, were supposed
to write the story from their point of view. Of course,
neither did, so it simply became STDragon's first 'movie.'
This was where I created Vendar Perkins.
Why create
Perkins here? Cause I had forgotten about the ops position, so
I made up a character for Junior Ops officer. I decided she
was going to have to be young, one of those people who
graduated from the Academy and immediately was posted to a
starship. At the time, the only young actress I knew about was
Natalie Portman. So she became the actress that represented
this character, who was French-born Vendar Perkins (note that
the name isn't French. Just cause she's French doesn't mean
her entire family lineage is French!) Little did I know that
this would eventually become a defining characteristic of
STDragon. *shrug*
As things
proceeded into Season 2, I reached episodes 11 and 12,
Hopeless Parts 1 and 2. I won't say how for those who haven't
read it yet, but that's when I brought in two new characters
to try to add some conflict to things. Specifically, R'Sharn,
who was a rival for Vendar, and very hot headed. The other was
Charley McKariant...someone who I haven't developed much at
all. I'll be rectifying that, if not in S3, then in S4, heh.
Any way, that's
the character's stories. Not much of a story, but I thought I
might as well put the story up on this website, that way I
don't have to explain the story every time someone asks me :o)
suggestions or any thing else, please feel free to email me at
Thanks for your time, and enjoy :o) |